Monday, December 31, 2012

My New Years Mantra!

My New Years Mantra!

To all of you, that have contributed in whatever way to my life this year ... 
Whoever you are, and however you did, I thank you!

To everyone that smiled, laughed and sung along to the music of my life, your harmonies made my life richer! Thank-you!!

To those of you that were angry, hated, shouted, screamed and scorned me in whatever way...I'm sorry YOUR year was crap...I hope next year serves you better! 

As we head into another amazing year, filled to the brim with opportunity, I urge you all to stop and smell the is exactly what you make more, and no less!

Thank you all for 2012!

My 2013 is going to be fucking amazing,

I sincerely wish that for each and every one of you too!

Onwards and Upwards kids!
Much love and laughter.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The C Word...Not lekker!

So those of you that follow me in the FaceBook, know I am in the middle of a punch up with a large and well known "Celebrity" in a senior position in a media organisation. He reneged on a media deal he committed to, I assume deliberately to prove his status and power over me (it worked, I was quivering in my crocs) , and then sent me abusive text messages calling me a C*NT.

I use the "C" word ...(Celebrity)....very lightly as I am not a fan of fans, and dont believe status or perceived stature gives anyone the right to preside over me like a King over his Queen.

Chatting to my kids one night about "values" in life, I used a first hand experience of a client I had the privilege of working with. He was a "small" businessman and Entrepreneur called Richard Branson (you may have heard of him). His left toe nail is probably worth more than my entire career will amount to, yet a more humble, quiet and profoundly polite person you will never meet.

Anyway, having made a bit of a habit of using this blogging forum to engage senior management in lively debate around the errors of their ways, I banged off a blog.
Its factual in every sense...
It is non emotional...
It states my case perfectly clearly against this "Celebrity" and the total contempt he shows for the people around him, clients and staff alike...I am not lucky enough to be an isolated incident in his power hungry egotistical abuse of people and power, he has left a trail of destruction in the wake of his ego.

The blog is sitting in my drafts, but I dont think its every going to see the public domain.

And here is why.

For the first time, in this particular forum - the incident I am taking on is about the actions, and subsequent re-actions of an individual, not a brand! Its pretty clear from my blogs I have zero problem taking on the large corporates if I believe I am being shafted.

My open CEO letters have elicited response in 100% of the postings!


I am a business owner myself, and whilst I accept that I am ultimately accountable for every person carrying my logo on their business card or e-mail signature, I also fully accept that my own staff are all individuals too, with their own personalities and strengths as well as weaknesses!

Against that, I have decided to take the matter internally to the MD and CEO of the organisation this "Celebrity" represents!

Internally, off-line and quietly behind the scenes.

It may not have the desired public outcry effect that I could probably easily drum-up in the school of public opinion (especially given this "Celebrity's" track record) but I think it's only fair that the brand he is associated with be given every reasonable opportunity to address the situation without having to tumble dry their dirty laundry in full view of the playground.

It almost certainly won't have the desired effect.
I am almost certain he won't lose his job. (although I think he should!)
I am almost certain he won't lose much sleep about a "Celebrity" he will genuinely see nothing wrong with his actions, easily justifying them to his superiors, who because of his status will almost certainly brush this under the carpet and carry on.

But, I know I have handled the situation correctly and with the respect, and professionalism it deserves.

After all, I may indeed be at C*NT, but at least I'm not a "Celebrity" him!
Onwards and Upwards!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Kiss and Make-Up...easier said than done!


Hi Boris, hope you dont mind me calling you that.

You dont know me, but I've contributed to the marketing of your organisation.

I would love to give you my Job Title or Company Name, but it wouldn't help!

You see, you wont find me in any supplier database!
You wont find a purchase order written out for services rendered, or concepts procured.

Why you may ask?
The reason is quite simple actually!
You stole our ideas!
One ideas actually, and then used them without our consent, or without paying us for them.

So let me take a step back and help paint this picture for you, Boris.

We are a creative brand activation agency - we make money from coming up with cool ideas, and selling them to large corporates. We do this around South Africa, and have clients around the world that acknowledge the value in our ideas, and often use our creative.

Unlike Avon though, the majority of our clients feel the irrepressible moral need to actually PAY US for these - a novel concept I know, but a principle we feel is quite important to the longevity and sustainability of our small operation.

So when we were approached, by one of your marketing team, to come up with some execution ideas for your sales conference. we spent a fair amount of time in our creative studios researching ideas, concepts and solutions. Thats what we do, Boris! Its how we make a living!

We presented these to your marketing team, and after a week or so received a polite "thanks but no thanks" e-mail, naturally meaning you had decided to use someone else. Now before this starts to sound like sour grapes Boris, lets be clear that we were perfectly happy with this decision and took the e-mail at face value to mean just didn't like our ideas, and therefore didn't want to use us.

Now Boris, my mother always taught me as a perfect gentleman that No means No!

Apparently it carries a slightly different meaning in the Avon halls.

For future reference, an Avon No actually means "thanks for all of your intellectual property, do you mind if i use it all without your consent to make my job easier". 

Thats a bit if a mouthful though, so we fully understand where the confusion must have crept in.

So guess what happened next Boris.

We OWN one of the companies that has the EXCLUSIVE rights to one of the ideas we presented.

And imagine our surprise, when out of the blue, another agency called that we have never dealt with before, looking to book the equipment and idea we had presented for an "Avon Conference".


When we got all the details from them Boris, imagine our further surprise to find the brief was - well - pretty much exactly as the one we presented.

Oops again!

A Simple Idea!
An Effective Idea!
A Stolen Idea!

Its not a big deal in terms of Dollar Value, Boris, in fact some could argue I've wasted too much energy on this already. But you see I take a slightly different view.

The school of public opinion is pretty harsh on this principle Boris, as the case if Woolworths and Frankies Olde Style Softdrinks has recently proved.

And being passionate people working with a great portfolio of brands, we take it VERY personally when we invest time, money and energy on YOUR brands, to be lied to by Avon staff, and maliciously have our ideas stolen with scant regard for the professional, ethical or moral obligations of the creative process.

Anyway Boris, I hope the Sales Conference is a rousing success. I would be keen to see how many other ideas were presented by other companies that have been "borrowed" by your team.

Heres an idea Boris, maybe check on the other elements of todays conference, and where they came from. Im pretty sure if this happened to us there are others out there that also fell foul of the same theft of intellectual property.

And thats an idea you can have for free Boris!
I wouldn't expect you to pay for it anyway!
Why buck the system?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Vodacom - Polish a turd, its still a turd!

An Open Letter to Pieter Uys - CEO of Vodacom

Hello Pieter.

Im one of your customers. You dont know me. (literally, and i assume figuratively based on your service levels and network quality)

I am one of the resilient South Africans that stuck around. I did not migrate to Australia at the first sniff of a hi-jacking and I still pay my taxes even though the potholes get bigger and my business margins get smaller.

I put up with all of those things Pieter, mostly because its expected. I dont mind contributing to the GDP of a country knowing its going to help restore the infrastructure in an amazing country.

I do, however, mind contributing to the billion dollars a year coffers of a lumbering, lack-lustre and frankly tardy excuse for a mobile operator who by all accounts couldn't give a continental about service delivery, call quality, network distribution or customer service. (love the new colour though - great job)

Let me clarify Pieter, that this is not about yesterdays TNF (Total Network Failure) that resulted in a barrage of angry e-mails, Facebook posts and tweets (all ironically send from the backbone of other more reliable networks).

Its about the on-going fight to actually make a call, on the Vodacom network - full stop!

A glance at my relationship with the battered souls that admirably monitor your Vodacom social media spaces will paint a picture, sadly echoed by thousands if not hundreds of thousands of your "customers".(inverted commas used rather deliberately i feel given the state of play)

Im really not sure you understand what its like to be a customer Pieter.
Let me elaborate as to what my daily battle to actually use my mobile phone consists of!

As a supposed business tool my daily Vodacom grind is littered with a litany of dropped calls (approx 50% daily and nope thats not an exaggeration), congested networks, mediocre to poor call quality, delayed blackberry server deliveries, infrequent and questionable 3G data speeds, crossed lines - and my personal favourite Pieter - the total inability of my international client base to dial my number (apparently it does not exist from outside SA).

Every single one of these issues has been reported, discussed, courteously addressed with a meaningless platitude about "looking into it" - and swept graciously under the brand new red carpets that adorn Vodacom Boulevard - for YEARS Pieter, not months and certainly not just yesterday, or the last time a TNF had the whole of Jozi baying for your blood.

And here is the zinger, Pieter...I simply dont care anymore.

Im a little punch drunk i guess, tired of constantly complaining about non existent service to a company that has non existent customer service.

I watch, bemusedly as you spend R180mil on a colour change - i work in marketing so i "get it". Great fireorks display on Ponte! What did that cost? You just seem to forget that the shiny red, was once a dull and fading Blue and Green, and im not sure a coat of paint fixed the problem. Polish a turd, its still a turd, Pieter.

Just a shiny one that smells great!

So no, im not angry or irritated that your TNF occurred yesterday, nor am i surprised that the spin doctors were out in full force telling anyone that cared to listen that you have grown too quickly (on my dropped call revenue i guess) and are having teething problems.

You see Pieter, I for one dont really think, that against the backdrop of the above, an apology is good enough. I dont really want one. What i WANT is a consistent, reliable and quality mobile phone service that does what it is supposed to do. No more, and no less.

As for all the angry folk yesterday afternoon? They know more or less how i feel every day! Thanks for that!

I would leave you my number to give me a call to discuss this, but i doubt you would get through...I am a Vodacom customer after all!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Crushing the entreprenuer, the Bidvest way.


Hi Brian, my name is Andrew.

You wont know of me.
I am an entrepreneur, a bit like you I suppose.

You wont know of my company, we are relatively well known in Event Management and Sports Marketing circles - we do OK.

We are certainly not as big as you, nor do we compete with you - yet we are surprised to find that the "Full Might of the Bidvest Group" will be used to crush us!

That's quite concerning when our turnover is probably one tenth of your salary, Brian!

To clarify, this claim was made by one of your top execs  and Brian, I really think before you commence the crushing, we should chat about this in a calm, non-crushing, and vaguely professional sort of way.

Some background for you Brian.

We dont advertise much.

Some of your consumer brands must spend fortunes in Radio and TV advertising. Being a supplier predominantly of professional services we prefer to work on relationships built through a proven track record and word-of-mouth, 

However Brian, for the past 18 months we have sponsored a marketing insert on a regional radio station, aimed directly at marketing people in the advertising and publicity industry.

As entrepreneurs in a creative space, Brian, we decided to do a radio campaign that is topical in the marketing community - and draws parallels between the attitude we find some clients have to paying for Event Management services, and the companies on radio that insist on making their own adverts. This discussion was started and propagated by the marketing community, through several forums.

Luci Hirsch - A good sport, AND a nice dress!

We have over the past year or so been flighting a few ads that parody the principles of these executives doing ads, often badly, instead of using a professional voice over. 

They are non-offensive and play the principle, not the player - basically we highlight the methodology, not the man, Brian!

 We have flighted parodies of Luci Hirsch, and Morningside Pharmacy - as an example.

These have provoked interesting debate in the marketing community (they are flighted once a week Brian, at the end of a marketing programme, it's NOT a mainstream ad campaign) and have been met with overwhelmingly positive feedback, from Parodied Personalities and Marketing Men alike. 

Anyway Brian, the reason for this is not to suggest I am a brilliant marketing strategist, nor a Maverick businessman - but to point out that I really find a few things that unfolded last week quite disturbing.

You see Brian, one of our new parodies happens to be of the MD of one of your companies. He does his own radio advertisements, (I am sure you can figure out who is he) and general consensus on the marketing blogosphere was that he should be the subject of one of our Spoof Ads.

So we did. The ad is here if you want to hear it Brian. 

Maverick Spoof Radio Ad - Cars 

Why this gets interesting, is that the MD concerned apparently has taken the greatest offense to this parody assuming that we are making fun of him, which is not the case.  

We would have hoped your colleague, having clearly having a sense of humour failure, would have engaged us on this matter using some sort of professional e-mail, a note asking to see the script, hell even a phone call asking for context would have been nice. 

He didn't do that Brian.
He tried to bully us into submission using the Collective Crushing Capabilities of the entire Bidvest group as a big stick.

Not very Entrepreneurial friendly is it?

He tried to get the ad pulled off the radio station, which as we are not actually breaking any rules here, is rather tricky to achieve. 

He then phoned us directly and in a relatively eloquent 3 minute tirade - it cant be classified as a conversation as we literally couldn't get a word in edgeways - he shouted about how the might of the entire Bidvest Group would be used to "crush us"!

Yup, the Bidvest Group is apparently on standby as we speak to "crush us" for this heinous act of corporate treachery Brian. 

That's not really in the spirit of promoting entrepreneurism is it Brian? 

Interestingly though you claim this to be one of your cornerstones of your business model. 

Dont take my word for it...take yours!

In your annual report, Brian, you make the following statement...

The Bidvest model is a way of doing that. We encourage local entrepreneurs to build the operations they control by applying the disciplines that turn small businesses into big ones.

Couldn't be further from the truth in the context of this particular MD - not sure he read it Brian!

I'm also not sure he read the bit before - where you claim that "more fundamental than that is turning good people into great people." - based on his conduct in handling this matter.

So Brian, I guess at the end of the day, we are all in a bit of a pickle.

We cant really phone the MD concerned as he clearly invoked the Bidvest wrath - not his own companies. Frankly given his telephone manner we would rather not pick up the phone to him anyway. No one likes to get shouted at like a 2 year old caught with his hand on his gavel.

We cant really phone the radio station, as we are doing nothing wrong.

So, i would really like your comment on Company Crushing, Brian, if you don't mind.

I look forward to your response.

Oh, and guess what Brian...we pulled the call off the Crushers!

Oh and for the record ...

...we did not pull it because of the threatening tirade by a member of your management team.

.. we didnt pull it because we were scared of Bidvest Crushing us.

We pulled it, frankly, because if that's the calibre of staff associated with the particular company, we dont really want our brand associated with it , even in a parody! We have standards you know!

Proudly Bidvest? You must be so proud, Brian!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Southern Sun - Your home away from Home?

I have a really great family. We play together, laugh together, party together - all in all we have a really good family life, even though we are scattered across the globe.

Every family though, has a dodgy uncle. Mine is called Kurt. He is to put it bluntly, a wanker.

Kurt is the ONE person you NEVER want to come around. Kurt is the one family member who never really listens to a word you say and never bothers to make his house presentable when you go round for a braai. Kurt couldn't give a damn what you drink...or if you are long as he is sorted, its survival of the fittest for the rest of you...

Why this boring lesson is Ross family culture? 

Because, if hotels, as part of their value proposition, are supposed to make you feel like part of the family,....then Southern Sun, in my experience, has the same approach to visitors as my Uncle Kurt.

I have to confess, I have had a mixed relationship with Southern Sun since the hotel i was staying in caught fire...yes really! In the Newlands Southern Sun, about four years ago, a Chinese tourist had apparently decided to leave her nylon ladythings drying on an in-room heater. After a few hours, the melting point of synthetic chinese nylon was exceeded and the room went up in smoke.

Why the eire with Southern Sun in this case? Because their evacuation procedures were shambolic to say the least, their staff hopelessly under trained  for the situation, and the cherry on the cake was an irate phone call from "Pat in Accounts" later that day threatening to sue me as i had skipped the hotel without settling my bill...i had to point out her speed-point was melting and her staff screaming in hysteria before she realised I may have a point...

Happily we resolved the issue the good old fashioned Southern Sun way - they denied anything was wrong, and i paid the bill without setting myself on fire!

...and here we are, a few years on...whoda thunk i would be irritated with this bastion of Southern African hospitality again?
Its amazing what Photoshop can do...

Lets put this in context first...I work in Sport - Global Sport, and spend probably 100 to 150 nights annually in hotels, around the country and around the world.

I understand the "business"of hospitality, as well as the affinity to certain "brands" - and despite all belief to the contrary I dont think I am a "difficult" customer...I DO however like to think that i have the right to an opinion, and that when things are wrong they deserve to be aired.

So... the start of the Domestic Standard Bank Pro20 series is upon us, and to kick off the year lets look at my two Southern Sun experiences in two days in two different cities....

Cape Town first - where the air is pure, the mountain over-rated, and the Eastern Boulevard Holiday Inn a health hazard!

The usual check-in "dance of the missing booking" was already enough to get my blood pressure up (Southern Sun simply have no simple way to reconcile a web booking with their reservations system - I have resigned myself to this fate as we ALWAYS have problems checking in)....

Up to the room, and as the lift stopped on the second floor i was delighted to be welcomed, in the lift lobby, by an Ocean Basket take-away box in the middle of the floor. (it was still there in the morning).

Room Service, Southern Sun Style...
Dodging the fishy welcome, I was happily greeted by three separate prostitutes (one counting her money) on the walk to my room. At least depending on survival in a service based industry they were infinately more pleasant than the hotel check-in staff.

I was delighted to learn upon entry of my appointed room, that apparently someone had stolen the furniture! (probably the prostitutes?) A gaping hole in the interior design layout made it clear that near the window a table and chairs once stood! The vacuous space overwhelmed the delightful '80's pine finishings.... on the plus side at least the view of the block of flats out the back was not obscured!

Luckily a single night stay was all i had to endure, and as the Sports game relentlessy marches on, so do all the support staff. Next stop East London!

In my humble, 100 plus nights a year experience...checking into the East London Southern Sun is about as pleasant an experience as a home fact the lobotomy would probably be preferable as you wouldn't remember it in the morning!

The reprise of the "check-in missing reservation" dance was followed by the "door lock tango" - four rooms, four tired event managers, and four keys that would not work...a quick trip to reception solved the problem and we were told not to hold our keys near credit cards - apparently we had all deliberately sabotaged our keycards on the walk to our rooms...

 So, after that rousing Southern Sun welcome, we decided to kick back, and have a drink  - why not! The hotel has a bar, surely they can't screw a quick drink up? Sigh....

The furniture in the bar area should frankly be condemned by the WHO. Stains of indescribable origin mingled playfully on the arm rests as we settled into the padded chairs. Ordering a Jack Daniels, in a short glass - anyone that knows me knows my drinking preferences - was not as easy as it the space of 5 minutes we established that the "bar" had 1) no whiskey glasses, 2) no change so paying with cash was problematic and 3) no abilty to run a tab as the barman was knocking off in ten minutes.... you can see where this is heading can't you!

Breathing deeply I went up to my room, noting happily that no one had stolen the furniture out of this one. I was however intrigued that the Southern Sun Interior design department had outdone themselves - this time with a novel approach to guest experience called "hide the vital switches".

For future reference the bathroom light switches for room 239 at the East London Southern Sun Garden Court are hidden behind a curtain that is stuck to the wall with Velcro!! You cant see them, nor lift the curtain away from the wall - so to find them you end up like a drunken boxer jabbing at the wall in the desperate hope a punch lands in the vital area - i am happy to report after about 15 minutes I was indeed able to turn on the bathroom light...

The final straw in the sorry tale of East London Southern Sun value proposition was the asthmatic aircon. To be fair, it tried...hard! It made a lot of noise, and moved the air around but never really managed to get, erm...cold? I woke up around 05h00 with that delightful "did i fall asleep in a sauna" head-ache.

The Luckie Draw of Customer Service...
So i decided to do what i probably should have done upon arrival - and leave.

I checked out...and was asked by the Cashier if i enjoyed my stay....probably not one of his brightest moves but i politely and gently explained in a calm voice what i thought of his fine establishment.

To his credit he insisted I chat to the duty manager - a true asset in the Cutomer Service ARSEnal of the Southern Sun group...a gem called Luckie.

In the twenty minutes Luckie tries to reconcile my bill, claiming despite me having paid up front for all 5 rooms and 11 nights that i still owed him more money, he never once attempted to solve the problem, resolve any of my issues, nor actually apologise for any of the poor experiences I may have encountered on his property.

He DID intimate i should have reported the faulty aircon - to be fair he is correct. I should also have bought my own shampoo to clean the furniture, and will make a mental note to always travel with my own whiskey glasses, room card encoder and change for the bar in future.

What's the moral of all of this?

I think the customer service industry in South Africa is notoriously fickle and I DO believe that a lot of the time, groups like Southern Sun DO get it right. The lesson here seems to be the processes in place when things go WRONG, where the first assumption is always that the customer is just an inconvenience and being difficult?

I firmly understand that occasionally things go wrong, and to be frank much of my irritation with Southern Sun this time is the way things were handled...but here is the zinger.

I DO have a choice...
I DO have the means and ability to stay elsewhere, and maybe - just maybe, if more people did so - the next time I check into a Southern Sun, my reservation WILL be on the system WITH the payment reflecting...and the light switch for the toilet just MAYBE moved from behind a velcro'd down curtain.

I sincerely doubt it though.  I wonder of my Uncle Kurt uses Southern Sun when he travels.? He would feel right at home there!

Monday, November 8, 2010

No-one said Africa was easy!

I spent the vast majority of this weekend driving.

Not just anywhere, mind you - but all over the god forsaken backwaters of deepest, darkest Africa...(insert Jungle Drums and ululating maiden Sound effects here). I wish I could shout "Road-Trip" and start making "Thelma and Louise" comparisons, but to be honest the first part was work, and the second part was predominantly getting back from work...with a leisure stop off along the way.

Spending 7 hours dodging chickens and donkeys sort of give one a new perspective on things to be frank. I had sort of forgotten what i think it is that makes this country so special.

I need to clarify that I am indeed, one of those "bloody agents" that Julius and the brotherhood apparently wish to wheedle out of the country. I was born in the United Kingdom, and was dragged here kicking and screaming at the age of 8, and told to like-it or lump-it by my parents.

I like it!
A lot!
 So much in fact, that I choose to live here.
Yup - shock, gasp, clutch the pearls.

I could make Julius happy, and go back to the UK, I have the paperwork to go and join the rest of my family in Oz.

but, and here is the zinger....I don't think i want to, not right now anyway.

You see, the beauty of this country is its unpredictability.

Just when you think you have it all figured out, South Africa sort of acts like that bloke in the "Crying Game" who rips off his clothes (Zzziippppp .... Zzzinggggg) to reveal a shock twist in the tale.

Let me elaborate...

I drove from JoBurg to Polokwane - and got a speeding fine.

Why is that a good thing? Because i got one, and I am supremely chuffed about it.! I mean I ACTUALLY got the fine..not an extortion attempt.

The pleasantly mannered police office, whilst rather puzzled to see the fake dismembered arm adorning my dashboard (it's a street vendor prevention device - I strongly urge you all to invest in one immediately) never once attempted to solicit a bribe, or suggest I should buy him and his mates a cooldrink...he just did his job, courteously, politely and with a smile on his face.

Zzziippppp .... Zzzinggggg !

 I hit Polokwane and drove my luxury motor vehicle into the middle of a township, to stage an event for one of my clients. Not only was I deep in supposed "bloody agent disposal" territory, i was with one of my young female event managers, in a separate car.

I never once felt threatened, concerned, worried, panicked, stressed or dead!

Instead I have to admit to feeling genuinely invigorated at the urban energy seeping from every pore of the township.

I strongly suggest you try it! Its a blast!

Zzziippppp .... Zzzinggggg !

On the way out of Polokwane, I decided to head back to civilisation through the back roads, for an unscheduled Dullstroom drinkypoo. Why not!

En-route to Lydenburg I was forced to slow down at various stages of the journey. Not for traffic congestion, like the Londoners face, or the omnipresent Aussie Police.

Nope, this is Africa mate!
I slowed for a combination of swerving Taxi's, Clucking Chickens, Depressed Donkeys, the occasional Cow - and a Citi-Golf driver whose left rear wheel was firmly of the opinion that it could go further and faster if it was NOT attached to the car.

(It bounced into on-coming traffic before settling harmlessly gently near a street-side barber shop)

Through all of this activity, and becoming relatively up-close and personal to a vast range of South African's in the truest sense of the word...I realised that despite the potential for danger, I felt remarkably calm.

My blood pressure never rose beyond normal, and my temper never flared.

For all of its' faults, the people of South Africa have never ceased to amaze me... The drivers around me were obviously all of, erm, African descent - and were on the same journey, experiencing the same delays - and dodging the same livestock!

No one honked, hooted or shouted.
No one angrily waved a fist or furiously floored their Fiesta.
We all, sort of, just got on with it.

Zzziippppp .... Zzzinggggg !

No-one ever said Africa was easy.
But its a damn site better than rainy England or spoon-fed Australia!

I am going to Durban next week.
I am thinking of Driving...just for the experience!