Friday, July 1, 2011

Vodacom - Polish a turd, its still a turd!

An Open Letter to Pieter Uys - CEO of Vodacom

Hello Pieter.

Im one of your customers. You dont know me. (literally, and i assume figuratively based on your service levels and network quality)

I am one of the resilient South Africans that stuck around. I did not migrate to Australia at the first sniff of a hi-jacking and I still pay my taxes even though the potholes get bigger and my business margins get smaller.

I put up with all of those things Pieter, mostly because its expected. I dont mind contributing to the GDP of a country knowing its going to help restore the infrastructure in an amazing country.

I do, however, mind contributing to the billion dollars a year coffers of a lumbering, lack-lustre and frankly tardy excuse for a mobile operator who by all accounts couldn't give a continental about service delivery, call quality, network distribution or customer service. (love the new colour though - great job)

Let me clarify Pieter, that this is not about yesterdays TNF (Total Network Failure) that resulted in a barrage of angry e-mails, Facebook posts and tweets (all ironically send from the backbone of other more reliable networks).

Its about the on-going fight to actually make a call, on the Vodacom network - full stop!

A glance at my relationship with the battered souls that admirably monitor your Vodacom social media spaces will paint a picture, sadly echoed by thousands if not hundreds of thousands of your "customers".(inverted commas used rather deliberately i feel given the state of play)

Im really not sure you understand what its like to be a customer Pieter.
Let me elaborate as to what my daily battle to actually use my mobile phone consists of!

As a supposed business tool my daily Vodacom grind is littered with a litany of dropped calls (approx 50% daily and nope thats not an exaggeration), congested networks, mediocre to poor call quality, delayed blackberry server deliveries, infrequent and questionable 3G data speeds, crossed lines - and my personal favourite Pieter - the total inability of my international client base to dial my number (apparently it does not exist from outside SA).

Every single one of these issues has been reported, discussed, courteously addressed with a meaningless platitude about "looking into it" - and swept graciously under the brand new red carpets that adorn Vodacom Boulevard - for YEARS Pieter, not months and certainly not just yesterday, or the last time a TNF had the whole of Jozi baying for your blood.

And here is the zinger, Pieter...I simply dont care anymore.

Im a little punch drunk i guess, tired of constantly complaining about non existent service to a company that has non existent customer service.

I watch, bemusedly as you spend R180mil on a colour change - i work in marketing so i "get it". Great fireorks display on Ponte! What did that cost? You just seem to forget that the shiny red, was once a dull and fading Blue and Green, and im not sure a coat of paint fixed the problem. Polish a turd, its still a turd, Pieter.

Just a shiny one that smells great!

So no, im not angry or irritated that your TNF occurred yesterday, nor am i surprised that the spin doctors were out in full force telling anyone that cared to listen that you have grown too quickly (on my dropped call revenue i guess) and are having teething problems.

You see Pieter, I for one dont really think, that against the backdrop of the above, an apology is good enough. I dont really want one. What i WANT is a consistent, reliable and quality mobile phone service that does what it is supposed to do. No more, and no less.

As for all the angry folk yesterday afternoon? They know more or less how i feel every day! Thanks for that!

I would leave you my number to give me a call to discuss this, but i doubt you would get through...I am a Vodacom customer after all!


  1. How can they spend R180m on a logo change when its practically the same logo as Vodafone in the UK, Australia and several other countries. If it costs the equivalent of GBP £16m to change 3 letters and remove a 4th, in an already established font and Pantone colour, Jesus, I'm setting up shop!!
